What Differentiates TSI’s SR&ED Consultants?

What Differentiates TSI's SR&ED Consultants?

There are a number of factors to consider when evaluating SR&ED consultants.  With TSI, you know you are obtaining superior service and value for the following reasons:

Experienced SR&ED consultants

There are numerous advantages to utilizing a SR&ED consultant, but not all SR&ED consultants are created equal. At TSI you deal with senior technical consultants, most of whom are Professional Engineers. Our team consists of highly qualified technical and financial professionals, each with 10-30 years of experience, to help deploy expertise specific to your industry.

Complimentary assessments for other government funding programs

As part of our SR&ED and tax credit service offerings, TSI provides complimentary consultations on your company’s eligibility for government grant and loan programs to help co-fund your strategic projects.   In addition, we are also able to assess if your company would be a good candidate for other cost reduction or tax recovery services.

A personalized approach

At TSI, our SR&ED consultants utilize a personalized approach that treats our clients as long term strategic partners rather than as transactions. We engage on a regular basis with you to guide you through the process and ensure you are on-track for a successful claim, rather than meeting once at the end of your fiscal year and leaving success to chance.

Documentation and time tracking system deployment

TSI recognizes that a strong documentation and time-capture system translates into more credible claims for SR&ED. That’s why we deploy a Customer Care package to clients where our SR&ED consultants provide coaching and easy-to-use templates to ensure you are successful, as well as an optional web-based

Audit support included

Unlike many SR&ED consultants, TSI includes audit support in our SR&ED offerings as a complementary service. Should you be selected for audit, TSI's technical and financial SR&ED consultants help coach and prepare you, help organize your documentation, and are present during the review to help interpet on your behalf.

Claim status reporting

With TSI’s exclusive claim follow-up process, our SR&ED consultants check the status of your claim submission on a regular basis with the Canada Revenue Agency. In most cases, we can tell you the date your refund cheque will arrive in the mail.

A proven track record

TSI's SR&ED consultants can demonstrate a proven track record of SR&ED results, with millions of dollars in tax credit incentives claimed for hundreds of clients, and a greater than 99% success rate.

Competitive and flexible pricing options

We offer competitive and flexible fee structures, including risk-free contingency-based options, time/materials, or flat rate alternatives. Learn more about SR&ED tax credit eligibility